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The Keys to Harnett’s Future

The Keys to Harnett’s Future are Quality Public Schools and Robust Economic Development.

Harnett County has two primary vulnerabilities: 

1) Unrestrained growth in housing that adds pressure to all levels of available resources, from too few first responders, to rural road deterioration, to school overcrowding. 

2) A wholly inadequate tax base that relies almost entirely on assessing real estate, resulting in increased property taxes.  

First, we have to recognize that it costs more to support each household than the taxes generated by each household.  Frankly, there is only so much that you can tax property owners.  This is an all too common dilemma for rural communities adjacent to expanding urban centers.  

How does Harnett County turn this trend around? 

The good news is that the way out of this is well known: investing in economic development and quality public schools.  The bad news is it is hard to do because we have to think differently about the problem. 

  1. Schools as an Economic Engine: 
    Schools function as a fundamental industry within our local economy. They provide jobs for school administrators, staff, construction, and maintenance workers. Schools also stimulate the local economy by consuming materials for instruction, maintenance, and repair. When school employees live and spend in the same community, it creates a ripple effect, further boosting the local economy.

  2. Impact on Property Values and Business Attraction: 
    The availability of good schools is a top priority for homebuyers, which directly influences property values in a neighborhood and community. Research shows that increased funding for education significantly raises median housing values. For example, a study in Massachusetts found that a $500 increase in per-pupil expenditures raised average home prices by 2.2%. High-quality schools are also a critical factor in attracting new businesses, as companies look for communities with a well-educated workforce and schools that meet the standards their corporate workforce requires. Quality education and a strong local economy go hand in hand.

  3. Quality of Life and Economic Growth:
    Another factor businesses consider when choosing a location is the overall quality of life in the community, which helps attract and retain workers. High-quality education consistently ranks as one of the most important elements in defining a community's overall well-being, along with quality restaurants, grocery stores, and vibrant shopping options.

We have much work to do.

While most of the funding for our schools comes from our state legislature, this will only cover the basics. Counties are expected to supplement by adding their own tax revenue. Unfortunately, our current Board of Commissioners has not made the necessary investment in our children's future a priority, which makes it difficult for our county to recruit and retain certified teachers. For the past two years, the NC Department of Public Instruction has classified Harnett County as a low-performing school district, with three-quarters of our schools rated as either a D or an F.  

Providing the funding our children desperately need will not only better prepare them for the workforce but also make our county more competitive. In today’s society, we must be competitive with our neighboring counties or risk getting left behind. If we don’t properly invest in our schools, how can we expect new businesses to invest in our county? 

Without substantial changes in our priorities, the pace of economic development in our county will continue to lag behind the rapid residential growth we're seeing, with the majority of our residents commuting to work and shop in adjacent counties. Commissioners must commit to attracting new businesses to further our county’s economic development. This is essential not only for generating the tax revenue needed to build new schools, fire departments, and other critical local government functions but also for easing the burden on our property taxes and providing relief to all citizens. Investing in Harnett County’s education and economic development has never been more critical. 

I am running for County Commissioner because I see these problems and am committed to addressing them. Our children deserve better, our community deserves better, and together, we can create a brighter future for Harnett County.

Let’s work together and address these concerns. Your vote for me is a vote for a brighter future for Harnett County. 


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