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Harnett County is in a Time of Transition

With population growth and a government stuck in the past, we need leadership that will address our current challenges and move us forward. Our neighboring counties have done a better job of providing critical needs to their citizens. Harnett County has so much potential to be a first-class place to live and work, and I believe we can make that happen.

I have the skills, energy, and vision to bring our community together for a better today and tomorrow. No matter who you are or your party affiliation, it’s time to put our differences aside and work together to protect the future of Harnett County. I offer positive change and will work hard by prioritizing school issues, balancing future growth with infrastructure capabilities, supporting economic development opportunities, promoting a smart growth policy that will protect our farmland, and enhance our quality of life.

Here’s a comparison between my opponent, Eddie Jaggers, and me:

Eddie has failed the school children, teachers, and citizens of Harnett County during his eight years on the Board of Education, including time as Chairman. Harnett County lags behind in nearly every category of student achievement and teacher pay. Poor salaries have driven talented teachers away and overcrowded schools rely on temporary mobile units. Now he’s seeking to be a County Commissioner.

As for me, I’m a farmer and retired research scientist. I’ve managed and overseen significant projects and budgets for the federal government. I’m committed to transparency in government, something Eddie has failed to provide, especially during controversies between the Board of Education and the County Commissioners.

I believe in funding quality education and addressing our schools' critical needs. Eddie has failed to lead on teacher vacancies, student achievement, and school capacity. I pledge to hold public meetings and town halls to keep you informed. In contrast, Eddie hasn’t held a single public meeting in his eight years of service.

I will represent all citizens of District 4 and our county, not just a select few. It’s time for new leadership. I’m asking for your vote for Harnett Commissioner to help fix the problems our county faces. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours in service,

Karen (Kate) Reichert

Friends of Kate Reichert for Commissioner
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